Monday, November 2, 2015

Make Your Resume Attractive

A resume or Curriculum vitae is the initial point before the selection process. It can be referred to as a business card. The resume can therefore be aptly described as an advertising medium whereby you could market your skills. This tool either gives you an entry or bars entry to the interview. The main idea behind drafting a good resume is to offer truthful and reliable information to the prospective employer or hiring agent so that the job of selection of the right candidate becomes easy. It helps in hiring the perfect person for the job.

The entire concept of a Resume has undergone drastic changes. Previously, a resume would only give details like your name, address, communication address etc. But of late, things have changed. Your resume should highlight and project your skills, areas of specialization, work experience and other educational accomplishments. This would convince the prospective employer that you are the right person for the job and that he is doing the right thing by selecting you for the job.

Drafting a professional resume

The next step is to write a professional resume. You can browse the net where there is a plethora of sample resumes available on the websites. Select formats which are attractive and which fits into your profile. There is no set format for a resume. The most important step is to evaluate yourself honestly and bring together all your qualities and your skills in a combined manner so as to highlight the same in your resume. Be transparent and honest about your educational qualifications and work experience. Your honesty would be appreciated by the prospective employer and it could get you a job. Hiding facts and figures could lead to problems at a later date. Do not forget to highlight your aptitudes and other personal skills. This does carry weightage and do not ignore it.

If you have any personal skills, it should also be supported with evidence and documents so that the employer knows for sure that you are being true and your resume reflects credibility.

Chronological arrangements of achievements and work experience.

A resume needs to be chronologically arranged giving details of the latest organization you are working with and then going down and describing the past employers.

Functional resumes stress on employee’s achievements. The employee describes the types of jobs he has handled and focuses on the job directly.

Biological resumes are also written wherein the applicant takes you through the resume and it is normally adopted by people who have gained experience through their work experience rather than any formal education. This type of resume focuses on personal skills, traits and experience gained out of practical working.

Some tips to be followed while writing your resume

– Use A4 size white paper

– Typed resumes are appreciated as compared to handwritten ones

– One side printing to be followed

– Maximum 2 page resumes is the trend

– Maintain separate boxes through space

Make Your Resume Attractive

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