Monday, September 28, 2015

Vacancy at The Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a humanitarian, non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 1956 that works in more

than 30 countries throughout the world. DRC fulfils its mandate by providing direct assistance to conflict-affected populations- refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities; and by advocating on behalf of conflict-affected populations on the basis of humanitarian principles and human rights.

DRC is the process of starting up a new country programme in Nigeria focusing on responding to the huge humanitarian needs and challenges in the North East of Nigeria. Nigeria’s north-east is currently experiencing a significant humanitarian crisis, which has resulted from the ongoing-armed conflict between Boko Haram, the Nigerian military and the Multi-National Task Force in the north-east. An estimated 10 million people are affected by the conflict, which has led to a state of emergency being declared in three north-eastern states and spill-over effects into neighboring countries. High insecurity in the region has made access for humanitarian actors extremely difficult, further exacerbating the situation.

With funding from ECHO, DRC is seeking to implement a project of multi sectorial assistance to help strengthen the protective environment for vulnerable displaced populations. Through an initial six-month emergency response phase, DRC is aiming to deliver protection activities, cash and/or voucher and/or Non-Food Items (NFI), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in support of IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host communities in the Local Government Authorities (LGAs) of Adamawa and Borno. DRC will directly implement these activities to effectively and efficiently reach out to hard to reach populations in need of assistance.

Consultancy: Market Assessment – North-East Nigeria


Purpose, Objectives and Scope of Assessment

The purpose of this consultancy is to undertake an assessment and make recommendations about the appropriateness, feasibility, cost efficiency, and risks associated with DRC providing cash (unconditional or conditional) and vouchers within the LGAs of Yola and Mubi in North East Nigeria.

Specifically, the key objectives of the consultancy are to:

  • Assess whether existing local markets are functioning and the extent to which they are elastic and competitive; whether they are easily accessible (physically as well as socially); if commodities/services are available in sufficient quantities and at a realistic price to be able to support cash-based transfers. Contextual definitions must be included.

  • Undertake an assessment to determine the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) to establish the cash value of the cash or vouchers.

  • Asses the feasibility of different types of delivery mechanisms and cash intervention modalities in the different target areas.

  • Document strategies and criteria for targeting beneficiaries and how the opportunities can be exploited for maximum economic gain of the beneficiaries.

  • Make recommendations about the appropriateness, feasibility, cost efficiency, and risks associated with providing cash (unconditional or conditional).

  • The consultant will be responsible for collecting and analyzing primary data as part of the assessment of the local markets and the feasibility of cash transfer modality, in addition he/she will be expected to draw on and analyze secondary data from the INGO needs and vulnerability assessment (currently being undertaken).
    Expected Outputs

  • The assessment will result in the following outputs:

  • A report analyzing the suitability and viability of cash transfer programming in Yola and Mubi.

Key Activities

For the objectives of the consultancy to be achieved, key tasks to be performed by the consultant(s) will be to:

  • Provide a brief inception report detailing the process and methodologies to be employed for the assignment. It should include interview schedules and important time schedules for this exercise, a list of stakeholders targeted for participation, assessment tools and it should be presented to DRC for review and further inputs before proceeding to the field for data collection.

  • Familiarize yourself with relevant documents including the ECHO proposal, DRC programme management guidelines, DRC strategy documents, the INGO needs and vulnerability assessment and any other relevant documents including donor programme guidelines and standards.

  • Design data collection methodology as appropriate, guided by the objectives and scope of consultancy; including international guidelines and relevant framework(s). The data collection tools will be critiqued (with DRC team) before being refined and finalized.

  • Conduct a comprehensive field-based assessment (using primarily qualitative data collection methods) in all major towns in above regions based on the purpose and objectives of the consultancy.

  • Write and present a draft report, capturing key findings against objectives of the assessment to DRC team for review before producing a second draft.

  • Present a draft report to DRC and other stakeholders in a feedback workshop to facilitate sharing of the assessment results with a view of incorporating inputs from stakeholders in the final draft.

  • Compile and submit the final assessment report to DRC.

Key Deliverables

  • Debriefing at the end of fieldwork with relevant DRC staff.

  • Four (4) bound hard copies of the final report.

  • Soft copy of the report in two (2) CDs.

  • The consultant will also be required to submit to DRC all assessment materials including:

  • Soft copies of all data sets.

  • All filled data collection tools and data recording materials.

  • Other non-consumable documents/items that will be used in the course of the planned consultancy.

  • PowerPoint presentation of the draft assessment report used for feedback workshop.

  • All material collected in the undertaking of the evaluation process should be lodged with the Emergency Manager in DRC prior to the expiration of the contract.

Terms and conditions

DRC will assist with logistical arrangements. DRC will provide the following:

  • Transport to and from the field.

  • All necessary project documents as requested by the Consultant.

  • Travel Insurance for the consultant.

  • Accommodation for the consultant in the field.

  • Consultancy fees at a mutually agreed rate.

The consultant will be report directly to the Emergency Manager based in Yola, Nigeria. DRC staff located in the assessment areas will provide necessary support to the assessment team, as needed.

Some parts of the study will be undertaken in an insecure environment with basic living conditions. Social activities are limited and there are restrictions on movements for security reasons. The candidate should be in good health due to limited health facilities in the area. DRC will provide security information and the evaluation team is expected to follow DRC safety procedures.

Time Frame

It is anticipated that the assessment will take 30 working days from signing of contract, including time in the field. The assessment must commence no later than 21th October 2015.

Consultant profile

  • An advanced degree in e.g. development studies, business management, development economics, agricultural economics, labour economics.

  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant practical field experience within one or more of the following areas: socio-economic and/or household economy assessments; risks and vulnerability assessments, market assessments/analysis, rapid and participatory rural appraisal. Experience also in designing and evaluating cash assistance programmes in fragile environments.

  • Familiarity with established assessment and analytical tools is desirable: market analysis; EMMA; Mifira; socio-economic profiling; SMART methodology, etc.

  • In depth knowledge of and experience of responding to vulnerabilities related to internally displaced persons and refugees and related international standards/frameworks.

  • Good knowledge of humanitarian, socioeconomic and political dynamics of Nigeria,

  • Excellent report writing skills and ability to meet deadlines.

Assessment and award of Consultancy

DRC will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. DRC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder. Only those shortlisted will be contacted. Any subcontracting of the consultancy will not be accepted.

For general information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult:


DRC has a Humanitarian Accountability Framework, outlining its global accountability commitments. All staff are required to contribute to the achievement of this framework.

Method of Application

Interested applicants who meet the required qualifications and experience are invited to submit their Expression of Interest which includes the following documents:

  • CV(s) with details of qualifications and experience indicating documentation of relevant assignments undertaken, and including full contact details of three professional referees.

  • Technical proposal that summarizes understanding of the TOR including the proposed methodology.

  • Financial proposal providing cost estimates of daily consultancy fees.

  • The foreseen work plan.

We only accept applications sent via our online-application form on under Vacancies.

Applications close 12 October 2015.

For general information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult

Vacancy at The Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

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